Thursday, September 27, 2012

Travel by Bus

So this week brought on a new adventure:
Taking public transportation in a strange land

On Monday I had an appointment to open a bank account, yes I had an appointment
It apparently takes an hour to open one here and they ask you all sorts of questions about
your life to figure out which account is right for you. I won't complain however because this is the
only bank out of the five I visited last Friday that would let me open an account with them 
with an expired passport. 
After what seemed like forever, I eventually got an account. Upon exiting the bank, I see a man being carted away on a stretcher into an ambulance. 
Of course I tried to take a picture, but the Lord opened the heavens and it began to rain. I can't get my hair wet so needless to say I had to forfeit the picture in order to protect my

This led to walking the mall to hide from the rain, which led to going home cause I had no money 
to purchase all the lovely things I saw.
So I took the bus home. I was excited!! For the first time in ages I was taking the BUS!!
Yea I know, who gets excited about public transportation. 
I DO!!
I'm in a strange land and I could have gotten lost or gotten on the wrong bus or gotten off at the wrong stop. All those things made it exciting to ride the bus. 
Anyway I didn't get lost, I didn't get on the wrong bus, I got off at the right stop and a strange led me home without even knowing it. (She probably thought I was trying to rob her or something, I am pretty sure I saw her clutch her purse)

P.S. Yesterday I found one these:
thy don't use them anymore...boooo
Unfortunately I couldn't go inside because it was locked and the phone removed from it.
They are hard to find these days.

More adventures await. 
Stay tuned!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Ain't at CLC Anymore

So today was my first Sunday at my new possibly new church.
It was interesting. Needless to say, there's no place like home.
This church is small, and by small I mean small. Our mid-week service is larger than this church.
The music is nothing like home. However I could feel the presence of God. Even through the flat and off key forgive me Lord.

I'm not sure if I will be making this "home", but I've decided to give them another try next Sunday.
They have a special service next Sunday, it's their 5 year anniversary. So they are having a guest speaker that I have heard about from back home.

I do love the new commute however.
I've gone from an hour drive one way to 15 minutes round trip.....Gloray!!

I'll be on the look out and prayerfully seeking another church that is Apostolic.

On a sweeter note I tried my hand at making another bourbon apple crisp.
I had to convert most of the measurements to Imperial units. Thank goodness for an ipad and Google.

caramelized sugar and bourbon for bourbon apple crisp

yummy apples and caramelized sugar and bourbon

It turned out yummy. However next time I'll  scoop more of the "juice" in with the apples before baking.

All in all I had a great day.

Stay Tuned!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

So Long, Farewell Auf Weidersehen, Goodbye USA

So, against my better judgement, I decided to take the advise of a dear friend and start a blog on my new adventure. 


I packed up all my belongings and moved across the pond back to England. It was one of the most scariest decisions I've every made. So far it's been exciting.

So here's a rundown of my first few days:

I've had drama with my barrel (long story short I was not about to pay FedEx $1100 to ship it).
Almost kissed a perfect stranger on the forehead, it happened to be a woman. That song "I Kissed a Girl" came to mind. I definitely wouldn't have liked 
I left all most of my shoes in Virginia, praying that they'll get here before I have to repeat shoes at my new church. Can't have

I landed in Iceland early Wednesday morning to this gorgeous view below. We were praying that our flight would have been delayed by hours so we could tour the blue lagoons I'v heard so much about. Oh well just have to put that on my list of places to travel to.

Sunrise coming into Iceland

After an hour layover in Iceland it was onto Manchester, United Kingdom.

Flying into Manchester

I almost got denied entry into the country because of my passport. (my heart skipped a beat) I didn't have how long I would be staying written on my immigration form. I then had to be escorted to the baggage claim to get my expired British passport from my dad. I was allowed in after that.

I've tried to open a bank account here in the UK, to no avail. I tried five banks and they all denied me except one. I should have renewed my passport before I left the United States.

I have a possible job interview coming up next week, prayerfully.

All in all great start to my new adventure.

Stay Tuned!!